Conference Sessions: Dynamo - Everyday Revit Tasks

Automation using Dynamo for Revit

Automate Everyday Revit Tasks with DynamoClick to Open

Level: Basic

Do you find yourself frequently having to perform the same task several times over the course of a project? Are there workflows that your firm relies on that are not easily achieved with native Revit tools and techniques? Do you ever find yourself thinking that your current procedures are just not maximizing the promise or potential of your BIM? It’s times like these where a little Dynamo can be just the thing. In this session, we will walk through some complete workflows to automate common repetitive tasks and more importantly, give end users the confidence they need to know that the resulting data they see is correct and accurate. This session will explore using Dynamo to design a workflow that solves a simple repetitive task in Revit. We’ll discuss the problem, walk through the design of the solution, and explore the Dynamo graph piece by piece. Don’t worry if you are new to Dynamo or programming, we’ll keep it simple, approachable, understandable and free from complex code.

The Architect’s Dynamo: Getting Non-Revit Users Involved!Click to Open

Level: Basic

Dynamo brings the power of visual programming into your Revit workflow. Dynamo is undergoing rapid development, has a huge community of supporters and is now built right into Revit! This class is designed to show architectural offices how you can utilize Dynamo to enhance your Revit workflows and even involve your non-Revit users in the Revit environment. The class will cover how Revit can extract data from external software for use in manipulating an architectural building design. Let’s do some Dynamo!